2 research outputs found


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    High performance computing is nowadays mostly performed in a best effortfashion. This is surprising as the closely related topic of grid computing, whichdeals with the federation of resources from multiple domains in order to supportlarge jobs, and cloud computing, which promises seemingly infinite amounts ofcompute and storage, both offer quality of service (QoS), albeit in different ways.Long-term service level agreements (SLAs), which require the establishment ofSLAs long in advance of their actual usage, seem a promising way for the offeringof QoS guarantees in an HPC environment in a way that is not disruptive to thebusiness models employed today. This work uses the long-term SLA approachas a basis for the provisioning of service levels for HPC resources and presentsan SLA management framework to support this. Flexibility is provided byproviding SLAs with different service levels, support for which is integratedinto job submission and scheduling. The SLA management framework can, ona high level, be used in a generic fashion and an implementation is presentedthat is evaluated against a motivating scenario

    BonFIRE: A multi-cloud test facility for internet of services experimentation

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    BonFIRE offers a Future Internet, multi-site, cloud testbed, targeted at the Internet of Services community, that supports large scale testing of applications, services and systems over multiple, geographically distributed, heterogeneous cloud testbeds. The aim of BonFIRE is to provide an infrastructure that gives experimenters the ability to control and monitor the execution of their experiments to a degree that is not found in traditional cloud facilities. The BonFIRE architecture has been designed to support key functionalities such as: resource management; monitoring of virtual and physical infrastructure metrics; elasticity; single document experiment descriptions; and scheduling. As for January 2012 BonFIRE release 2 is operational, supporting seven pilot experiments. Future releases will enhance the offering, including the interconnecting with networking facilities to provide access to routers, switches and bandwidth-on-demand systems. BonFIRE will be open for general use late 2012